The camp is located in the park between Königsplatz and the TUM canteen (TUNIX festival site) near the Königsplatz subway station (U2, 300 m). Bicycle parking is provided on the camp grounds.
Low barrier arrival
Arrival by Public Transport
To plan your journey, you can use the Timetable information service of the Munich Public Transport company (MVV). Special route options and handicaps can also be noted there. A simplified version of the information (German) is available for people with visual impairments. Alternatively, timetable information can also be obtained by calling +49 89 41 42 43 44. A greatly simplified version of the timetable information is also available for older devices.
The Königsplatz subway station is barrier-free. The entrance and exit height between the vehicle floor and the platform is 10 cm. Escalators and an elevator are available. Here is more information about the subway station (German).
For Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., a free escort service for bus and train (German) can be requested, which must be booked at least two working days before the desired escort.
Arrival by Cab
- Isarfunk: +49 89 450 540
- Taxi-München: +49 89 216 10
- Munich wheelchair cab: +49 89 84 93 88 28
An inclusion cab for transportation of people in wheelchairs can be ordered from either provider. Isarfunk takes orders only from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and only as an advance order at least one hour before the appointment.
Arrival by Car
The nearest general parking space for handicapped persons is in front of Luisenstr. 33, others can be found on a map provided by the city of Munich (German).
Parking on the camp ground is not permitted and finding a parking space is difficult in the Munich city area. Closest to the camp site are the parking license areas Königsplatz, Karolinenplatz und TU-Viertel in Maxvorstadt. There are no P+R facilities in this region. The city of Munich provides maps with the exact parking regulations and nearby e-charging stations on a separate page..
Overnight Stay
The camp has space for only approx. 40 small sleeping tents. We therefore recommend to register (anonymously) for camping so we can reserve your place. You can bring your own tents (max. 10 m² floor space including ropes, the smaller the better) or roll out your sleeping mats in one of the workshop tents, as long as there is space – you will be visible from the outside though. You do not need to register or camp with us to participate in the events and other activities.
Please check in at the info tent upon arrival, where we will give you general information and show you to your space if you plan to camp. The area consists of meadows and is well suited for camping.
We will try to set up safer spaces for FLINTA* and BIPoC in the tent area, as well as low-barrier areas reserved for the appropriate groups.
We are a self-organized camp and have to manage its setup and dismantling together. Please consider to help out and fill out our form for volunteers. For the necessary work on site, such as kitchen duty or night guards, shift plans are available for signing up.
The entrance to the Munich Climate Camp is free, but it is financed to a large extent by donations. Therefore, all contributions help us a lot to cover our expenses. Please use the donation boxes at the camp or donate online! For larger amounts, donation receipts can be issued upon request.
Site Map

There will be vegan food for all (People’s Kitchen) and non-alcoholic drinks: 8:30–10:00 a.m. breakfast, 1:00–2:30 p.m. lunch, 7:00–8:00 p.m. dinner. Bringing own alcoholic drinks is possible, but we ask for moderate alcohol consumption and only in the evening – if at all. The consumption of cannabis is not permitted, as there is a playground on the premises.
Dogs brought along must be on a leash at all times. Please bring enough poop bags and dispose of leftovers promptly.
Packing list
- Tent, sleeping bag and a sleeping pad (no private tent required if you’re sleeping in a workshop tent)
- Washing kit, degradable soap and washcloths – there are washing stations, but no showers
- Personal medications (refrigeration is available at the kitchen tent) and hygiene items
- Flashlight
- Spare clothes, sunscreen, rain gear
- Small first aid kit and mosquito repellent, if possible
- ID, health insurance card
- Spare batteries / powerbank for cell phones, as the charging possibilities on site are limited
- Small garbage bag
- T-shirt, cotton bag or similar if you want to spray the climate camp logo on in the creative tent
- maybe a hot water bottle
- no valuables, because there are no lockers available
- no knives, tear gas or other potential weapons
Info Tent
The info tent is the contact point for your registration as well as for all kinds of questions from camp participants and speakers. You can find important information there like the program schedule or the awareness concept and you can sign up for volunteer shifts.
Camp Life
We want to live together in alternative, solidary and hierarchy-free self-organization. Tasks on the camp like cooking, cleaning up, shifts in the info tent, awareness shifts etc. will be performed together. We’ll discuss organizational topics such as work shifts, the agenda of the day and messages to everyone at the daily noon plenum from 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. The evening round from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. is dedicated to a common exchange about the content / things learned / aha moments of the workshops and the discussion about the resulting demands and wishes. We have formulated something like a position paper on the goals of the Munich Climate Camp in our self-image.
We are obliged to prevent disruptions to the assembly and will do so. Details can be found on the page Assembly Concept.
Own Activities
At the camp we want to live the change we desire together and treat each other with appreciation. In our creative area you can do handicrafts, paint banners to beautify the camp and more. There will be an exchange corner for clothes, so feel free to bring well-preserved items that are looking for a new home! We invite everyone to help shape the climate camp and inspire each other.
Accessibility / Awareness
The camp is low-barrier. The paths are even and wheelchair accessible toilets are available. We will employ sign language interpreters; please let us know for which events you would like to have a translation by mail to or on site in the info tent. We will be happy to answer any questions, see contact.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer regular awareness support in 2024. There will be FLINTA*-only consultation hours at the camp as well as workshops on awareness and lots of information in the awareness tent.
To the detailed awareness concept
Photography and Filming
The camp is a protected space for a political assembly. Taking photos and filming, even from outside, are therefore only allowed with the consent of all persons depicted – please respect a “no”. For representatives of the press, there will be a daily time slot from 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon in which recordings are possible after registration, for more details see Press. These slots will be announced shortly in advance at the camp and also be posted there.
First Aid, Safety and Prohibition of Weapons
- There will be a medical tent and a medical on-call service, which can be reached on +49 176 84 02 89 09 (not continuously staffed)..
- In case of dangerous weather events we ask you to stay calm. The organizing team will decide on further action if necessary.
- For the nights we will assign night guards together.
- Bringing weapons to public assemblies is a criminal offense! This includes pocket knives and multitools (“Leatherman”) with blades as well as tear gas. Tools for setting up the tent are no problem, but please leave them in the tent and do not carry them around.
- Wearing protective weapons (e.g. helmets and steel-toed shoes) and disguising your face are also criminal offenses, covid masks are okay though.